I picked this quote for today's expanded thought because I wanted to make sure I was clear on a few things to my friends. The first thing is I don't consider you as toilet paper. An item of one time use that I just flush away. This quote came to me in a very intimate way. When it did I couldn't help but think of this verse.
1 Corinthians 15:33 (New International Version, ©2011)
33 Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.”
Often in life the choices we make can have a lasting impact. The example in this case was toilet paper. Sooner or later I will run out of this brand I bought. Therefore it will have a uncomfortable but short impact on my life. Other choices like our friends or the company we keep can have a very long impact. These can be both good and bad. In this case I looked at all the many types, sizes and costs available. I made the choice rather quickly to go with cost. When it was to late the choice became painful.
When we choose the friends we have and the company we keep don't make it a quick choice based on one factor. Stop, think and ask, is this someone I want close to me? We are not talking about 4 or 6 rolls we flush down the drain but a long term relationship that will more than just rub us the wrong way.
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